A longlife Amalgam lamp is an extremely long life, high power, low pressure Amalgam lamp. These lamps achieve up to ten times the UV power density of classical mercury low pressure lamps and can be used even at higher ambient temperatures of up to 90°C. Moreover, they are insensitive to temperature fluctuations.
in number of lamps, system components, energy consumption and servicing intervals, thanks to their high power and long life. Amalgam lamps represent an economical alternative to medium pressure lamps on account of their high efficiency, long operating life and low operating costs. They save energy and generate very little heat. Our flyer gives a comparison of the economical efficiency of Amalgam lamps (PDF 0,4 MB).
UV germicidal lamp| High output UV germicidal lamp |Amalgam lamp | quartz UV lamp | WEDECO | TROJAN UV | LIT | PHOTOSCIENCE | AQUAFINE | R-CAN | HERAEUS | Quartz sleeve|electronic ballast 2Bvideo